Baby Raccoons In Your Chimney – What To Do

Female raccoons often pick chimneys as a safe spot to give birth and raise their litter of pups. To them, it’s like a big hollow tree, perfect for raising their babies. More often than not, the baby raccoons are there with their mom who leaves and returns to feed them. So, how do you remove the baby raccoons in your chimney? Here’s some instruction provided by

Harass them with Noise

First of all, do not start a fire. It’s inhumane to burn animals alive and once you open the damper, the raccoons may jump into your house as they escape. Instead, if you’ve seen the mother raccoon, try to harass her with loud noise such as radio with the volume turned up or by hitting the bottom of the damper with a short stick. Just make sure the damper is closed. She likes the dark quiet space, and disrupting it with noise may cause her to remove her baby raccoons. You may even hear her come and go as she removes them one by one.

Use a Deterrent

The most common type of deterrent is an odor, usually a store-bought raccoon eviction fluid or the urine of a predator. Place it at the bottom of the chimney and this may cause the mother raccoon’s natural instincts to kick in. She’ll consider the chimney unsafe and remove her babies herself.

Removal by Hand

If neither of those work, trap the mother and remove the babies by hand. There are many professionals who do this, but you can safely remove baby raccoons by making sure you evict the adult first. Once the adult leaves the litter, you can reach in with a pair of gloves and a mirror for a better view and remove the raccoon babies one by one. If it doesn’t go according to plan and the raccoon enters your house, do not try to trap it. Open the windows and doors and wait for it to leave.

Use a Snare Pole

Adult raccoons are hard to deal with because they get violent trying to protect themselves. Waiting for the adult to leave is always best. Once gone, use a long chimney snare pole to remove the raccoon babies. If its babies are no longer there, the mother raccoon has no reason to live in your chimney.

Wait them out

If you don’t mind the noises, you can wait out the raccoon babies for between 8 to 10 weeks, after which they will leave on their own.

Always check to make sure you haven’t left any baby raccoons behind once you evict them then find a sturdy chimney cap to prevent it from happening again.

Home Management Solutions for Raccoons

For most of us, the purchase of a home will be our biggest investment by far. It is only logical that protecting this investment should be an important priority. Many homeowners don’t take into account the fact that wild animals can cause great financial damage until they experience it for themselves. Of all the animals that can be a nightmare for our home management efforts, raccoons are the most common of residential and rural nuisances. These ingenious and cunning creatures have a proven track record for breaking and entering. These little monsters are even known to terrorize entire neighborhoods, wreaking widespread havoc.

Thankfully, there are some effective methods for minimizing this threat. By utilizing a few home remedies one can go a long way in protecting the integrity and value of a home. When these resourceful critters exploit the sustenance and shelter that we unwittingly provide, it is understandable. Unfortunately, they often get into trouble and, as already mentioned, can cause extensive and expensive damage as well.

The following are a few problem areas and some tips:

· Chimneys: The best solution for keeping raccoons from nesting in a home’s chimney is a cap. One can buy these at many hardware stores and home centers and “DYI” it or simply hire a chimney sweep to accomplish the task. Should a raccoon family be in place for a couple of months or so, one can motivate them to leave by installing in the flue some rags soaked in ammonia. Loud and constant noise, (a speaker shooting sound up the chimney), along with a powerful flood of light, can be very unwelcoming to a raccoon and often result in them vacating the space. Remember to install the aforementioned chimney cap as soon as they are gone!

· Attic Dwellers: Should raccoons move into your home’s attic, the first thing to accomplish is a thorough inspection to locate all potential entry points for these clever creatures. Exploit the same chimney remedies by strategically placing bowls of ammonia, a blaring radio and some flood lights for as long as three days. Again, once they leave, patch up any potential access into the attic.

· Trash Cans: This is arguably the biggest attraction for raccoons. The trash is their supermarket and do they ever love to go to shopping there! One can dissuade them (and other animals) by moving all your trash cans into a closed structure or by securing the can tops with some kind of locking mechanism. (Ask you local home center pro for ideas.)

Why Wildlife Conservation Is Important

The ecological disturbance is disastrous for animal and plant life. There are more problems owing to deforestation and global warming that is severely affecting species. Evolution is another feature in all living beings. There are changes in the physical characteristics, habitat, and adaptability in animals that is also promoting migration in animal life. The percentage of endangered species each year is increasing and there are efforts by several organizations to save them from extinction.

Why Wildlife Conservation Is Important

The importance of Wildlife is at its core today. Wildlife is meant to be a balance board in stabilizing the ecological diversity and its natural habitat. Wildlife is referred to animals living in wild forests and jungles and not the domesticated one. Wildlife plays like a cycle in nature, it is like the survival of the fittest, dying and birth is the phenomenon in the course of natural wildlife. The wide diversity of flora and fauna, animals, water bodies, plants and other organisms are in abundance, which comprises as a whole wildlife in India.

The wildlife and its existence are greatly benefiting the natural process which is balancing the ecological and biological process of nature which is very important for the survival of human life. The whole functioning of the biosphere depends on the working of the natural process in wildlife like interactions between plants, animals, and other organisms, which helps in the perseverance of the human life further.

The very other reason to maintain the importance of wildlife is the profound beauty of the lush green forests, a home for the animals and species decorated with greenery which is of great fascination among the tourists from different cities and even from around the world. Wildlife tourism is a great fascination for the tourists and travelers, but it also causes hindrance in the peace of wild animals and their natural homes. Therefore, we should be very cautious while entering their territory, with all the alertness that we should not scare or harm them at any cost by littering, by reckless driving in the jungle, or by creating or making noise, and also try not to take the vehicle which is causing pollution to their environment. Tourism should be eco-friendly so that no harm is caused to the species living in the wildlife.

Awareness is getting wider with schools also including the need for wild life and plant conservation so that the ecological pollution caused by humans can be controlled. Respecting life is important to maintain the balance of all species in the world.

Help To Save Wildlife

Our ecosystem is comprised of animals and wildlife. Wildlife plays a vital role in maintaining the balance between ecosystem and mankind. India has been marked as the country with most beautiful wildlife in the world, including the dense green forests and luscious greenery and tropical trees which are way more fascinating and also the different species of wild animals and endangered species in their natural habitat. Apart from this beautiful scenario, there’s hidden a big black mark which refers to the extinction of animals and its species and thereby devastation of Indian wildlife. Animals are in danger, not only in India but in the entire world. Animals are calling for help, they need help and severe help to save their lives and protect from cruelty and human activities. There are many national parks where wildlife is in great danger because of the increase in the abduction and poaching of wild animals and especially tigers which may lead to an extinction of the species. Animals are threatened by human’s ruthless activities. In real terms, “Humans are being the real life animals in the world”.

To Help To Save Wildlife, the topmost need is to spread awareness among the society by educating people around through posters, pictures, and articles in magazines and underlining the issue in accordance with the need of saving ecosystem and wildlife. Help animals and save them from cruelty and assault which they go through in day to day life, be it wild animals or endanger species they all have been tortured and killed on a daily basis. Start raising your voice against the cruelty and assault that have been doing to animals either for fun or for business and help be a voice for who cannot speak.

The wildlife has been constantly supporting the rise in the census of the wild animals in spreading awareness and presenting education about them in schools and colleges about the need and importance of wildlife. The list of Endangered Wildlife and Animals is getting large each year. One conservative estimate has placed almost forty percent of all the species in the verge of having the ecological extinction. Here are some ideas being threshed out to save most if not all of our endangered wildlife and animals for future.

• Spreading the Awareness
• Wildlife protection and feeding initiative
• Joining the hands with worthy organizations
• Stop purchasing any endangered plants or animal related products
• Arrange fundraising and charity events

The first thing that you can do to preserve these animals and plants in need is to create awareness about them. The list of endangered spices is visible on the internet so one can read about it, talk to friend or even tell the kids about the fate of these animals that might not survive if a collective effort is not made.

The wildlife protection and activates can be started even in your area too. Read about the different animals and plants in your area that might be facing such fate. Arranging the feeding programs can be great way to be part of this. During this project you can start making the bird feeders, bird baths, clean the protected area of human waste especially the plastic that is practically indestructible. The social action and collective efforts can be made for protection of these species you can start the campaign for signature and even change or start of a new piece of legislation too.

How To Keep Wildlife Off Your Property

Some people love the sight of a stray rabbit or deer in their lawn in the morning. However, others do not like sharing their outdoor living space with wildlife animals. This is mainly because of significant damage these unwanted guests usually cause to property and landscaped areas. They not only dig up holes on the ground that can interfere with your utility lines, but also eat flowers, fruits and vegetables from your garden and yard.

If you live in remote areas, animals such as coyotes and lions may also frequent your property. Though they may not snack on your fruits and vegetables, they are a potential threat to your children and domestic pets as they play on the yard. Here are some simple ways to protect your property from wildlife:

Remove All Things That Attract Wildlife To Your Property

Most wild animals will come to your property for a reason. Most of the times, they are either looking for food or shelter. Therefore, if you have a natural grass lawn that is attracting them (natural grass has weeds, worms and insects that mammals and birds love), consider switching to artificial lawn. With artificial grass, you’ll still be able to enjoy the feel and look of a lush green lawn, without regular maintenance and attracting unwanted animals in your home.

To keep the animals from your trash area, keep the garbage can indoors and shut, and clean any spilled food in the area where you used to place it outdoors. Similarly, to keep them away from your garden, pick fruits, vegetables and flowers as soon as they fall (since they act as attractants to wildlife).

In addition, consider sealing any open holes in your house that these animals may use to get to the attic. Also, trim back trees and vegetation that they may be using to climb to your rooftop in order to gain entry into the house.

Fence Your Property

After removing the attractants, a strong and durable fence is your second line of defense. Depending on the intruding animal, you may decide to fence only problem areas or your entire property. To keep wildlife from jumping over or burrowing beneath the fence, ensure that it is sturdy and buried at least 1.5 feet underground and at least 5 feet above the ground.

Plant Perimeter Plants That Local Wildlife Avoid

After fencing, you also need to plant perimeter plants to keep off these animals from your property. For instance, if deer, squirrels and skunks are giving you problems, consider planting lavender or sage around your yard perimeter. This will effectively keep them off since they don’t like the smell of these plants.

Use Wildlife Repellents

If all the above don’t work, try spraying the ground plants with wildlife repellents to keep these animals as far away from your property as possible. Just make sure that whatever repellant you use is safe for your kids and pets that may be playing in your yard.

Try any of these methods to protect your property from intrusion and subsequent damage by wild animals.